Sculpture and Stained Glass Center ART FESTIVAL - Stone Perspectives

On July 20th The Sculpture and Stained Glass Center invites you to the sixth Art Festival! The festival program will include open studios of the center's residents, exhibitions, excursions, various artistic activities and a music stage with live performances.
The theme of this year's Art Festival – Stone Perspectives
Organized for the sixth time, the Art Festival of the Sculpture and Stained Glass Center stands out from the previous ones by presenting the unifying theme of the festival, "Stone Perspectives". The upcoming Art Festival on July 20th will invite you to get to know stone as a matter and to look at it from various angles - geological, archaic, artistic, etc. During the festival, stone-themed exhibitions, performances, video works and lectures will be presented. The festival also maintains its main goal - to introduce festival guests to the Sculpture and Stained Glass Center, its history and the artists residing here. Festival participants will be able to take part in two types of tours - focused on the history of the Sculpture and Stained Glass Center or leading through exhibitions and open studios of artists, presenting their current creative processes.
Three exhibitions will be presented during the art festival: an exhibition of sculptures and installations by centre residents (curator - Vidas Simanavičius), an exhibition of stone tools accompanied by a lecture about the peculiarities of their use (curator - Daumantas Kučas), and art exhibition of stone works created during educational workshops in May (curator - Aušra Jasiukevičiūtė). The festival also includes the presentation of Simonas Kuliešius' paintings, the presentation of Ieva Juršėnaitė in the mini-gallery "Don't Cry" curated by Indrė Ercmonaitė, and video films about stone craftsmanship. Various artistic performances, lectures and activities await visitors: geologist Olga Demina's tour and lecture about the stone world, flint chipping with sculptor Algimantas Kensminas, the game-performance "Trilateral football" and of course tours of artists' studios and exhibitions. The visual arts at the festival will be complemented by a music stage and the performances of Lithuanian bands and DJs organized there, and of course, the festival will traditionally be crowned with a fire sculpture created by Martynas Maziliauskas.
Famous Lithuanian artists will present themselves at the exhibitions and open their studios
Over 30 well-known Lithuanian artists currently reside in the Sculpture and Stained Glass Center, whose works will be displayed in exhibitions, and it will also be possible to have a closer conversation with the artists by visiting their open studios. Sculptors, painters and various artists will present themselves at the festival: Jonas Aničas, Rytas Jonas Belevičius, Jonas Čepas, Jonas Gelčys, Liutauras Griežė, Aušra Jasiukevičiūtė, Mindaugas Junčys, Lina Kalinauskaitė, Algis Kasparavičius, Tauras Kensminas, Daumantas Kučas, Žilvinas Landzbergas, Artūras Makštutis, Gintaras Mikolaitis, Kęstutis Musteikis, Eglė Pilkauskaitė, Mykolas Sauka, Vida Sevrukienė, Vidas Simanavičius, Mindaugas Šnipas, Rytis Urbanskas, Asta Vasiliauskaitė, Kazys Venclovas, Marius Zavadskis; as well as stained glass and glass artists: Saulius Ercmonas, Edita Utarienė.
The festival's music stage will feature live performances by artists, bands and DJs
The Art Festival will present music stage in which: Studio Maruko, Mielos Merginos,, Kanalizacija, DJ Paul Sadness and DJ Noruišis will perform. During the entire festival, the festival's partners - Radio Vilnius - will broadcast their program on the meadow.
The art festival will be held on July 20, in the Sculpture and Stained Glass Center (Darius ir Girėno st. 25, Vilnius).
The festival starts at 12:00. The entry is free.
The festival is organized by the Sculpture and Stained Glass Center
Financed by: Lithuanian Council for Culture
Partners: Lithuanian Artists’ Association, UAB „Mesta“, „Faktura Studio“, „Elektroplazma“, „Piksel“, „Radio Vilnius“
12:00 - 19:00 Open artist studios
12:00 - 00:00 Sculpture exhibition in the meadow (curator Vidas Simanavičius)
12:00 - 00:00 Amateur art exhibition in the Education Room (curator Aušra Jasiukevičiūtė)
12:00 - 00:00 Exhibition of stone working tools and wedges (curator Daumantas Kučas)
12:00 - 00:00 Simonas Kuliešis' solo show „Break and fix“
12:00 - 00:00 Ieva Juršėnaitė in the mini gallery „Don't Cry“ curated by Indrė Ercmonaitė
12:00 - 00:00 Exhibition of stone sculptures by Gintaras Mikolaitis "Jazz and Stone" in the gallery „Si-V centre“ (curator Vidas Simanavičius)
12:00 - 00:00 Video film about stone master Alvydas Balčiauskis
12:00 - 19:00 Kids zone (0 floor)
12:30 - 14:00 Tour of exhibitions and artists' studios (registration required)
13:30 - 15:30 Flint splitting with sculptor Algimantas Kensminas
14:00 - 15:00 Interactive tour-lecture about stone working tools and wedges (curator Daumantas Kučas) (registration required)
15:00 - 16:00 Tour of the historic Sculpture and Stained Glass Center (registration required)
16:00 - 17:00 Tour "World of Stones" with geologist Olga Demina
17:00 - 18:30 Tour of exhibitions and artists' studios (registration required)
17:30 - 18:30 Opening and tour of Simonas Kuliešis solo show „Break and fix“
18:00 - 19:00 The game-performance "Trilateral football" (auth. Vidas Simanavičius) (registration required)
22:45 Fire sculpture (auth. Martynas Maziliauskis)
13:00 - 18:00 Radio Vilnius
18:00 - 20:00 DJ Paul Sadness
20:00 - 21:00 Studio Maruko
21:00 - 22:00 Mielos Merginos,
22:00 - 22:45 Kanalizacija
22:45 - 24:00 Dj Noruišis
Registration: https://forms.gle/G7ukG1vQ58eTmQhq8
The organizers reserve the right to change the program